
17 August 2008

Day 21: Make comments on other people’s blogs

In a previous post we talked about how to get more traffic by placing comments on other peoples blogs.

Today I would like to expand a little on that idea.

Placing relevant and useful comments on others’ blogs can be a great way to share information with others and get traffic to your own site.

When you leave a comment on a blog post you usually supply your web address and name in addition to your comment.


*Make only relevant and worthwhile comments. Crappy comments get removed and may get your IP banned. If on the other hand you appear to be an expert and leave a comment that is wildly insightful people will likely click on your name and visit your site.
*When choosing the name you wish to have associated with your comment, choose wisely. Use good and relevant keywords that will entice people to click on your link.
*In your comment include a single link to your own site where the reader can find additional information about the topic at hand. If the link isn’t totally relevant then it doesn’t belong in the comment!
Comments appear on a blog post in the order they were submitted. So the first *comment is at the top of the stack and is read most often. Its link will be clicked on more often.
So it pays to be the first commenter. Many blogs offer a way for you to be sent an email whenever a new blog post appears, making it easier to be the first commenter.
Some bloggers (like me most of the time) post stuff at roughly the same of the day each day. Figure out what that time is and being the first commenter will be cake.
Darren Rowse of ProBlogger has created an excellent 7 minute video showing the power of leaving good comments on blogs:

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genius khaled